Munshi Singh College, Motihari

मुंशी सिंह कॉलेज, मोतिहारी


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Munshi Singh College popularly known as M. S.College had a very modest beginning. The premier center of Higher Education in the Northern part of Bihar was formally established in the year 1945. However the efforts of establishment were started in 1944, when some pious & boble souls of Champaran sat together on 11/9/1944 to discuss the need of a college in Motihari, the heart of Champaran as there was on college in the District at that time. The final meeting for establishment was held on 11/12/1944 in which a Governing Body was constituated and the College was stated in January 1945. From arented building of one Mr, Rahman to Meyrick Bungalow & Busbariya Bungalaw of Bettiah Raj the make-shift arrangements contined till the college took its final shape in the year 1950 when it got its present location - the old & abandoned historic juvenile jail premises of the British era, at the hands of the first Chief Minister of Bihar, Dr. Shrikrishna Singh. The college was named after Babu Munshi Singh, a Jamindar with a noble soul whose younger brother generously donated seventy five thousand rupees and proposed to name the college in the name of Munshi Singh. Thus, the Munshi Singh College was established.

M.S. College was fortunate to have got a group of socially committed people who worked day and night to ensure a speedy growth of the college. Thus while the college started with courses of Intermediate standard only; undergraduate classes were started within ten years in 1955 and by the year 1971 the VGC went on to approve teaching up to Postgraduate level and received reognitation under UGC Act of2 (F) and 12 (B) All this was made possible because ofthe untiring efforts of the group consisting of persons like Shri Ramlakhan Mishra, one of the motivator and the founder Secretary of the College, Sri Babu, SriNarayan Singh, Keshav Pd. Singh, the first principal and Shri Bhola Prasad Singh who served as the principal of the college till 1984. Recently, Dr. Upendra Kunwar, a dynamic Principal played a constructive role to improve the college as per modern requirement of Higher Education. He got the college accredited with NAAC Grade-B.

Today, M. S. College has made a long stride. Having a sprawling campus of about 60 acres with a total built up area of 2.5 acres, the college runs full time courses up to 'Under-Graduate level in eighteen subjects of Science, Arts and Commerce and up to Post Graduate level in thirteen subjects. The college is also proud to have a separate Law Faculty. Moreover, in keeping pace with time, job-oriented self-financing Degree courses like BCA, BBA & IMB were also introduced a decade back & have been running successfully. M.S. College has also become a hub of Learning through Distance Mode to the entire Champaran region - the East and the West. We have study Center of IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) & Nalanda Open 'University, which has shown sharp growth since its launch a few years back, 'The achievements of the college have also led to its being declared as a Centre of Excellence by the State Government and the college has already received a sum of Rs.1,40,80,000.00 (One Crore forty Lakh Eighty Thousand rupees only) as the first installment of the grant sanctioned for its infra structural growth. After NAAC gradation, the RUSA has granted Rs. 2, 00, 00, 000.00 (Two Crore rupees only), in which Rs. 1, 00, 00, 000.00 (One Crore) has been released as the first installment and the construction work is going on under the guidance of present Principal Dr. Arun Kumar.

M. S. College located in the backward district of East Champaran is also proud of the fact that the majority of its students belong to the marginalized sections ofthe society - SC/ST/OBC/EBC/Minorities/Women & BPL categories. Apart from these students we have more than five thousand students in Plus Two Courses and Self-financing Vocational Courses and thousand in Distance of IGNOU, MANVU, Hyderabad and Nalanda Open University which has also very encouraging representation of the weaker of the society. Which our limited resources special care is being taken of these Sections in the fom of 'UGC Sponsored Remedial Classes, NET Coaching, Entry in Services, Career Counseling and various Scholarship & Stipend & Stipend Schemes ofthe State government and the UGC MHRD. Special attention has also been paid to ensure regular conduct of classed and the speedy infrastructural growth of the college. With the generous financial support of the RUSA. An advanced UGC" Network Resource Centre with ICT Lab has been developed which is well-equipped with the latest electronic gadgets like PCs, Laptops, Printers, Xerox Machie, Projectors, Internet Connectivity, Sound-system, Digital Camera etc. As and when we receive the next grant, we hope to update it further and enhance its capacity make is accessible not only to the faculty but also to the majority of students of the college. The construction of three storied Examination Building, a Smart Class Room and a Conference Hall are to be completed. We have also developed our college website super dynamics.

The achievement of the NCC unit of the college under the supervision of a very competent faculty have also added to the prestige of the college. We have also a strong unit of NSS which has time and again indulged in such meaningful programs as awareness campaign, plantation work & several other social works. Which the generous grant of the U.G.C. a Girls Hostel has been constructed. A separate building for Vocational Courses is nearing completion. The Construction of boundary wall and fencing towards the beautification of British Heritage of Cell & Fancy Ghar is going on.

On academic front we have our limitation. As we are far too short of teachers it is not easy to spare them for research pursuits all the time because their primary job is to conduct classes which are at the top of our priority. Even then we have made serious efforts to let the teachers avail themselves of the faculty Development Programs of the UGC. A number of our teachers frequently attend National level Seminars/Conference/Worshop. Serveral research scholars are working on their Ph.D Projects undre the supervision of our able faculty in Humanities and Science subjects. Thus in the pervious five year plan of UGC sponsored National Seminars wew conducted in Zoology, Botany, Physics and English & three of our your teachers got MRP Grants. However, the Jouney is not yet over. we have travelled a long way but we sitll have miles to go the establishment of Communinty College from 2014 is another feather to its rich heritage.

By the untiring efforts of the present Prinicpal Dr. Arun Kumar the college has organized and international conference on 'Global Diversity' on 5th to 7th March,2017 and a National Conference on 'Gandhi's Satyagrah & Ahinsa' on the eve of 'Champaran Satyagrah Shatabdi Year-2017' from 23th to 25th March 17. These are the mile stones in the history of college, as Sri Nitish Kumar, The Chief Minister of Bihar, Sri Ashok Choudhary, the Education Minister of Bihar, Dr. Arun Kumar Honble Vice-Chanellor, B.R.A Bihar University. Tushar Gandhi the Grander son of Waterman, Mahadev Vidrohi, President, Sarvesh Singh, Urmilesh, Rajya Sabha TV, Panwar Kaushal, Satymev Jayate, Dr. Danjay, Director, CSDS, Rajendra Pd. Singh, Language Scientist, Dr.Chouthi Ram Yadav, Dr.Kali Charmam, Dr. Shyoraj Singh Bechain, Dr. Ganga Sahay Meena, Dr.Pankaj Mishra, tha peofessors from DV,INU,BHU, Lucknow Universities & 7 Foreign delegates from USA, China,Japan,Australia, Uzbekistan addressed the Conference. The Grand success of Conference and performance of cultural programme on these occasion by students of M.S.College, Motihari is also memorable.

Within very short period, we have done work towards make enabled the Campus & library with Wifi and Automated with Software. We have also stared INFLIBNEET facilities in the Library.

To face the global challenges of higher education in this IT era, Computer education is essential for students to fulfill their basic need of knowledge. In this regard the compulsory computer literacy programme has been introduced in the College. The three job-oriented self-financing Degree courses BCA,BBA & IMB are also strengthening. We hope the College will achieve its goal to meet the global standard of Higher Education with the help of learned teacher, hard working non-teaching staff, students and guardians. Thank you

Prof.(Dr.) Mrigendra Kumar
Principal, M.S. College, Motihari