Munshi Singh College, Motihari
Details of information about NSS/NCC and different activities undertaken by the Teachers and Students of this College
The NCC unit in the college lively performs its part, in which nearly one hundred cadets are enrolled. The alumnus of the college NCC unit are part of highly prestigious Government security agancies. The cadets actively participate in parades. In recent years, after the order of competent authority, the cadets have executed their role meticulously at the district administration level. Presently, Assist. Dr. Narendra Singh, Department of Physics is the A.N.O. of the NCC unit.
Under the aegis of National Service Scheme, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, the NSS unit of the college is dynamically involved in various programmes of social importance. The unit has more than one hundred student volunteers. Recently, the work performed by the NSS unit volunteers in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, a cleanliness campaign of Government of India has been acclaimed by the concerned Ministry. The camps are frequently organized in the backward and rural areas of the district with the focus on mass awareness towards social issues. Presently, the Professor-in charge of the NSS unit.
The college has adopted the National Innovation and Start-up Policy 2019 for students and faculties. Towards the successful implementation of the same, has been nominated as the senior faculty to co-ordinate the various activities come under the Policy. Moreover, a college level committee has been constituted to run the various flagship programmes of Government of India like UBA (Unnat Bharat Abhiyan) and GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks).
In the supervision of Professor-in charge various activities are going on under EK BHARAT SHRESHTHA BHARAT programme. It is to be noted that, even in the hard period of COVID-19, the unit manages to conduct various schemes in the college campus either through online or off-line mode.
It is one of its kind unique programmes being run in the college campus, in which students refine and update their knowledge about all the subject being taught in the college. Without any external agency financial support, the motive of the programme is to train the students to compete the competitive exams of state and national level. The college do not charge any tuition fee to the students, and faculty members do not claim any remuneration.